1. Who was the first "Superman"? 2. What is the most popular book in the English language? 3. Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? 4. Who else is buried in Grant's Tomb? 5. Name the Seven Dwarfs, plus the three alternates. 6. How was the number for pi discovered? 7. Why are Dalmatians often found in firehouses? 8. Name every Pope. 9. How many pints in a quart? 10. Who were the Sweathogs? Were they: a.) World Mah-Jongg Champs b.) Margaret Thatcher's inner circle c.) Huguenots d.) The Joint Chiefs of Staff 11. Spell the word mnemonic. 12. The Enlightenment: Age of Reason, or Never Existed? Compare and contrast. 13. What does MENSA stand for? 14. After assigning a number value of "1" for vowels and "2" for consonants, determine the sum of the letters in your name. 15. There have been seven Secretaries General of the United Nations since that body's charter was first drawn up in 1945. How many times has a filly won the Kentucky Derby? 16. You are standing on the corner of 42nd Street and Broadway in the heart of New York's Times Square at one o'clock in the afternoon while your identical twin stands in a phone booth in Sydney, Australia, at five o'clock in the morning. 17. Using only your power of concentration, connect the nine dots with four straight, unbroken lines:
18. Without looking at your previous answer, name all the Popes again. 19. Jerry is to Tom as Tweety is to ________. 20. Who played Batman's sidekick?
1. Clark Kent. 2. Baseball is a Funny Game, by Joe Garagiola. 3. Cary Grant. 4. Montgomery Clift, Errol Flynn, Van Heflin. 5. Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Doc, Bashful, Dopey, Grumpy, Stumpy, Nasty, and Stupid. 6. Euclid had the question "What is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter?" on a pop quiz, so he knew it already. 7. Duh. The hydrants, stupid! 8. St. Peter, St. Linus, St. Cletus, St. Clement I, St. Evaristus, St. Alexander I, St. Sixtus I, St. Telesphorus, St. Hyginus, St. Pius I, St. Anicetus, St. Soter, St. Eleutherius, St. Victor I, St. Zephyrinus, St. Calixtus I, St. Urban I, St. Pontian, St. Anterus, St. Fabian, St. Cornelius, St. Lucius I, St. Stephen I, St. Sixtus II, St. Dionysius, St. Felix I, St. Eutychian, St. Caius, St. Marcellinus, St. Marcellus I, St. Eusebius, St. Miltiades, St. Sylvester I, St. Marcus, St. Julius I, St. Damasus I, St. Siricius, St. Anastasius I, St. Innocent I, St. Zosimus, St. Boniface I, St. Celestine I, St. Sixtus III, St. Leo I, St. Hilary, St. Simplicius, St. Felix III St. Gelasius I, Anastasius II, St. Symmachus, St. Hormisdas, St. John I, St. Felix IV, Boniface II, John II, St. Agapetus I, St. Silverius, Vigilius, Pelagius I, John III, Benedict I, Pelagius II, St. Gregory I, Sabinian, Boniface III, St. Boniface IV, St. Deusdedit, or Adeodatus I, Boniface V, Honorius I, Severinus, John IV, Theodore I, St. Martin I, St. Eugene I, St. Vitalian, Adeodatus II, Donus, St. Agatho, St. Leo II, St. Benedict II, John V, Conon, St. Sergius I, John VI, John VII, Sisinnius, Constantine, St. Gregory II, St. Gregory III, St. Zacharias, Stephen II, Stephen III, St. Paul I, Stephen IV, Adrian I, St. Leo III, Stephen V, St. Paschal I, Eugene II, Valentine, Gregory IV, Sergius II, St. Leo IV, Benedict III, St. Nicholas I, Adrian II, John VIII, Marinus I, St. Adrian III, Stephen VI, Formosus, Boniface VI, Stephen VII, Romanus, Theodore II, John IX, Benedict IV, Leo V, Sergius III, Anastasius III, Lando, John X, Leo VI, Stephen VIII, John Xl, Leo VII, Stephen IX, Marinus II, Agapetus II, John XII, Leo VIII, John XIII, Benedict VI, Benedict VII, John XIV, John XV, Gregory V, Sylvester II, John XVII, John XVIII, Sergius IV, Benedict VIII, John XIX, Benedict IX, Sylvester III, Benedict IX, Gregory VI, Clement II, Benedict IX, Damasus II, St. Leo IX, Victor II, Stephen X, Nicholas II, Alexander II, St. Gregory VII, Victor III, Urban II, Paschal II, Gelasius II, Calixtus II, Honorius II, Innocent II, Celestine II, Lucius II, Eugene III, Anastasius IV, Adrian IV, Alexander III, Lucius III, Urban III, Gregory VIII, Clement III, Celestine III, Innocent III, Honorius III, Gregory IX, Celestine IV, Innocent IV, Alexander IV, Urban IV, Clement IV, Gregory X, Innocent V, Adrian V, John XXI, Nicholas III, Martin IV, Honorius IV, Nicholas IV, St. Celestine V, Boniface VIII, Benedict XI, Clement V, John XXII, Benedict XII, Clement VI, Innocent VI, Urban V, Gregory XI, Urban VI, Boniface IX, Innocent VII, Gregory XII, Martin V, Eugene IV, Nicholas V, Calixtus III, Pius II, Paul II, Sixtus IV, Innocent VIII, Alexander VI, Pius III, Julius II, Leo X, Adrian VI, Clement VII, Paul III, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul IV, Pius IV, St. Pius V, Gregory XIII, Sixtus V, Urban VII, Gregory XIV, Innocent IX, Clement VIII, Leo XI, Paul V, Gregory XV, Urban VIII, Innocent X, Alexander VII, Clement IX, Clement X, Innocent XI, Alexander VIII, Innocent XII, Clement XI, Innocent XIII, Benedict XIII, Clement XII, Benedict XIV, Clement XIII, Clement XIV, Pius VI, Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, 1978- 9. Two. But if you said four, we'll accept that, too. 10. The students in Mr. Kotter's class on the TV show Welcome Back, Kotter. 11. mnemonic. 12. Compare. 13. Meals Extra No Checks Accepted. 14. Okay—but why? 15. Three. Regret in 1915, Genuine Risk in 1980, and Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1992. 16. Nine. 17. What? I'm sorry, I dozed off. 18. St. Peter, St. Linus, St. Cletus, St. Clement I, St. Evaristus, St. Alexander I, St. Sixtus I, St. Telesphorus, St. Hyginus, St. Pius I, St. Anicetus, St. Soter, St. Eleutherius, St. Victor I, St. Zephyrinus, St. Calixtus I, St. Urban I, St. Pontian, St. Anterus, St. Fabian, St. Cornelius, St. Lucius I, St. Stephen I, St. Sixtus II, St. Dionysius, St. Felix I, St. Eutychian, St. Caius, St. Marcellinus, St. Marcellus I, St. Eusebius, St. Miltiades, St. Sylvester I, St. Marcus, St. Julius I, St. Damasus I, St. Siricius, St. Anastasius I, St. Innocent I, St. Zosimus, St. Boniface I, St. Celestine I, St. Sixtus III, St. Leo I, St. Hilary, St. Simplicius, St. Felix III St. Gelasius I, Anastasius II, St. Symmachus, St. Hormisdas, St. John I, St. Felix IV, Boniface II, John II, St. Agapetus I, St. Silverius, Vigilius, Pelagius I, John III, Benedict I, Pelagius II, St. Gregory I, Sabinian, Boniface III, St. Boniface IV, St. Deusdedit, or Adeodatus I, Boniface V, Honorius I, Severinus, John IV, Theodore I, St. Martin I, St. Eugene I, St. Vitalian, Adeodatus II, Donus, St. Agatho, St. Leo II, St. Benedict II, John V, Conon, St. Sergius I, John VI, John VII, Sisinnius, Constantine, St. Gregory II, St. Gregory III, St. Zacharias, Stephen II, Stephen III, St. Paul I, Stephen IV, Adrian I, St. Leo III, Stephen V, St. Paschal I, Eugene II, Valentine, Gregory IV, Sergius II, St. Leo IV, Benedict III, St. Nicholas I, Adrian II, John VIII, Marinus I, St. Adrian III, Stephen VI, Formosus, Boniface VI, Stephen VII, Romanus, Theodore II, John IX, Benedict IV, Leo V, Sergius III, Anastasius III, Lando, John X, Leo VI, Stephen VIII, John Xl, Leo VII, Stephen IX, Marinus II, Agapetus II, John XII, Leo VIII, John XIII, Benedict VI, Benedict VII, John XIV, John XV, Gregory V, Sylvester II, John XVII, John XVIII, Sergius IV, Benedict VIII, John XIX, Benedict IX, Sylvester III, Benedict IX, Gregory VI, Clement II, Benedict IX, Damasus II, St. Leo IX, Victor II, Stephen X, Nicholas II, Alexander II, St. Gregory VII, Victor III, Urban II, Paschal II, Gelasius II, Calixtus II, Honorius II, Innocent II, Celestine II, Lucius II, Eugene III, Anastasius IV, Adrian IV, Alexander III, Lucius III, Urban III, Gregory VIII, Clement III, Celestine III, Innocent III, Honorius III, Gregory IX, Celestine IV, Innocent IV, Alexander IV, Urban IV, Clement IV, Gregory X, Innocent V, Adrian V, John XXI, Nicholas III, Martin IV, Honorius IV, Nicholas IV, St. Celestine V, Boniface VIII, Benedict XI, Clement V, John XXII, Benedict XII, Clement VI, Innocent VI, Urban V, Gregory XI, Urban VI, Boniface IX, Innocent VII, Gregory XII, Martin V, Eugene IV, Nicholas V, Calixtus III, Pius II, Paul II, Sixtus IV, Innocent VIII, Alexander VI, Pius III, Julius II, Leo X, Adrian VI, Clement VII, Paul III, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul IV, Pius IV, St. Pius V, Gregory XIII, Sixtus V, Urban VII, Gregory XIV, Innocent IX, Clement VIII, Leo XI, Paul V, Gregory XV, Urban VIII, Innocent X, Alexander VII, Clement IX, Clement X, Innocent XI, Alexander VIII, Innocent XII, Clement XI, Innocent XIII, Benedict XIII, Clement XII, Benedict XIV, Clement XIII, Clement XIV, Pius VI, Pius VII, Leo XII, Pius VIII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Benedict XV, Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, 1978- 19. Dag Hammarskjöld. 20. Robin.
0-5 Hit the books! 6-10 A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! 11-15 Room for improvement! 16-19 Almost perfect!
20 Genius!