Canned Laughter Canned Laughter Canned Laughter LAUGHTER Canned Laughter Canned Laughter Canned Laughter

How can you tell a kangaroo from a zebra? You can't!

Canned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned Laughter

What orbits Jupiter and was the reason Johnny Carson quit the Tonight Show? Io!

Canned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned Laughter

I spent a week there yesterday—of course I was travelling at seven times the speed of light.

Canned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned LaughterCanned Laughter

A weasel, a ferret, a donkey, a camel, an owl, and a priest walk into a bar. The weasel turns to the priest and asks, "What’s a man of the cloth doing in here?"

("Laughter is the Best Laxative" is provided as a public service, to promote catharsis. If the problem persists, consult a physician.)

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